“I started a business almost three years ago after a 35 year career in telecommunications. Other than an accounting course in college many years ago, I knew and still know very little about accounting, let alone business accounting. When I started my business, many said that one of the first things you need to do is get a good accountant. So I started looking for one, and the first firm seemed more interested in taking my money rather than helping me with it. Then I found Ashley at Quantum, and I knew I had followed everyone’s advice well. I had a good accountant that was fair, helpful, and competent and wasn’t seeking to bill me for every word she spoke, but charges me reasonable fees for outstanding service. One day I hope to be paying Quantum a lot more money as a result of extraordinary growth in my company. How many companies can you say that about? Whether you are starting out or well established, it is clear that Quantum is who you should have in your accounting corner, they will always be in mine.”